Shards Of Infinity took shape in Turin in 2012 on the initiative of Alberto Cubito, Federico Cioci and Luca Capurso with the aim of blending progressive and power metal. After a long, hard work, with the help of producer Stefano Torchio, in 2017 the band self-released a debut album entitled Horizon Seeker with a line up featuring Alberto Cubito (drums), Luca Capurso (flute, bass), Federico Cioci (guitars, bass), Max Lanz (keyboards), Luca Damicis (vocals) and Marcello D'Ascenzi (guitars). According to the band, it’s an oneiric concept album dealing with the search for truth, a goal always out of reach like the horizon and all the tracks are linked together...
The short opener “Eternity Of Truth” sets the atmosphere with narrative vocals and an exotic musical landscape in the background. The protagonist starts his journey seeking for the eternity of truth within the limits of his consciousness... Then, on “What Remains Of Nothing” we meet quasi operatic passages and harsher sections while classical influences are wisely blended with prog metal. Every now and again bands such as Rhapsody Of Fire or Blind Guardian could come to mind as the plot of the concept unfolds in a flight between consciousness and unconsciousness, under a bleeding red moon...
“Silent Cage” depicts the feelings of the protagonist in his home, haunted by sad memories and facing the call of destiny while the following “The Journey Has Begun” deals with the battle the protagonist has to fight to reach the rising sun of hope and the harmony that will emerge from chaos. This track features the guest vocalist Marco Salusso from the folk metal band Legacy Of Silence and alternates raging passages with some folksy parts...
“Riding Towards The Sun” is another fiery track with a good use of flute that conjures up winged horses and riders on the brink of madness trying to reach the source of time and the origin of dreams... Then, “Desert Of The Frozen Souls” describes the protagonist going across a strange, misty desert where he meets an eerie apparition and can see the souls of men who have lost every hope and now are trapped in transparent icy stones...
“Winged Maiden” tells of a vortex of sand and of the fall of the protagonist into the abyss. Before it’s too late he is saved by a mysterious winged woman who, under the moonlight, enters into his dreams... Then, the melancholic “Vision Of No Return” describes the protagonist longing for the vanished vision and getting lost in an endless chaos. The vision can’t come back... The title track, “Horizon Seeker” closes the album with the dark regrets of the protagonist who realizes that the horizon can be reached only after passing away and gets ready for a final flight into the light of the afterworld.
On the whole, even if the concept might be a bit confused (like a dream) the music is good and fans of bands such as Rhapsody Of Fire could find this work very interesting. I think it’s a pity that the band didn’t use their mother language, especially in the numerous operatic passages, anyway have a try and judge by yourselves...
You can listen to the complete album HERE
By the way, after the album was released Shards Of Infinity line up went through many changes but the band is still alive...
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